Call for Submissions

2019 AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference

General Information


The AcademyHealth National Health Policy Conference (NHPC) brings together health care decision-makers, advocates, consumers, patients, researchers and leaders from the public and private sectors to discuss the health policy agenda for the year ahead in the context of the existing evidence base, its strengths and limitations.


The 2019 Call for Proposals is intended to give researchers, policymakers, policy and market analysts, and the professionals who connect them, an opportunity to provide timely examples of policy innovation, implementation and/or evaluation, emphasizing how evidence has been used or could be used in the years ahead to either inform, develop and/or evaluate federal and/or state policy. Importantly, policy is defined to encompass legislative, regulatory, administrative, or legal policy. Timely evidence at this time of significant uncertainty and upheaval in health policy is critical. This year, we are also encouraging submissions related to science policy given current debates about the value, role and contributions of science to advancing the public good and developments in open science. Science policy topics include how research is funded, governed, disseminated and valued by policymakers.


Proposals for the 2019 NHPC are encouraged to include:

  • i. A description of the policy topic, innovation, implementation, or evaluation with special attention given to whether and how evidence and/or data was or could be used, and if not, why not; and
  • ii. How the proposed presentation relates to current health and/or science policy debates at the local, state or federal level.


Proposals that describe lessons learned in policy development and implementation and help us understand how policy influences and/or changes healthcare systems, practices, and community level transformation are especially welcome. In addition, Policy Roundtables (see below) should reflect multiple points of view to maximize diversity of participants, perspectives and balance.


Submissions will be peer-reviewed and selected sessions will be presented at NHPC, along with invited sessions developed by the 2019 National Health Policy Conference Advisory Committee.


Instructions and Needed Information for Submitting a Presentation:


  1. Theme

  2. Title

  3. Author

  4. Submission Text

  5. Confirmation

  6. General Instructions


Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions are available to assist in your presentation.

Begin a submission to the following:


New Submissions Closed

Policy Roundtable – Policy roundtable sessions feature a moderator and up to four panelists around a single policy topic or opportunity. Each panelist should offer a different perspective on the policy topic. We are interested in submissions reflecting a broad range of policy topics that local, state and national policymakers are currently confronting. Policy roundtables consisting of multiple representatives from a single institution are discouraged. Successful examples from last year include:

Policy Roundtables should be submitted by the lead organizer and must include the names and organizations of the panelists. The 1,000-word overview should include a description of the panel as well as the individual topics each panelist will cover. The lead organizer will also need to submit a 50-word limit brief summary that would be used for the final program if the submission is accepted.

Call For Policy Roundtable Instructions


New Submissions Closed

Posters are organized by theme, highlighting how evidence was used or could be used to inform policy development, implementation and/or evaluation. Reports on initiatives to identify, translate and use evidence in policy are also sought. Case studies, narratives, and other methods are encouraged. The submission should include a 500-word limit proposal outlining how the proposal meets these objectives.

Call For Poster Instructions


New Submissions Closed

Rapid Fire Presentations will be featured in dedicated rapid fire concurrent sessions during the conference with time limits strictly enforced. Each presenter will give a 7-minute presentation – using a designated slide template -- followed by a Q&A with the audience. Rapid Fire Sessions will be organized by theme and are optimized to showcase a much broader range of policy issues and evidence.  The objectives for these Rapid Fire Sessions include:

  • Demonstrating opportunities in developing evidence-informed health policy;
  • Presenting ideas or strategies that may be useful to others implementing evidence informed policy and/or evaluating its impact; and
  • Discussing potential health policy implications from the current debates about various options for current health policy topics, including changes to the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, MACRA, and drug policy.

Successful examples from last year’s Rapid Fire sessions include:

The submission should include a 300-word limit proposal outlining how the presentation meets objectives outlined above and a 50-word limit brief summary that would be used for the final program if it is accepted.

Call For Rapid Fire Instructions

Already started a submission?

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Key Dates

Deadline for submissions:
Thursday, September 27, 2018

Notifications will be sent:
Monday, November 12, 2018

Deadline for presenters to accept:
Monday, November 26, 2018

Technical Support

For urgently needed technical support, phone +1 (401) 334-0220 between the hours of 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM Monday through Friday, US Eastern Standard Time (GMT -05:00).

For questions related to AcademyHealth, contact Sandy Fried at +1(202) 292-6709 or